Gator Blade I. Blade Gator products are alternatives to Lil Chizler. Each has a unique shape to give a better grip on the foil clamp, making it easier to use.
Includes 3 functional edges.
The first is great for lifting the lower seals while lifting the foil safely underneath to reduce peeling;
The extended sharp edges do a good job of reaching the tight corners of the fourth window and behind the front and rear bulkhead seals;
The opposite edge of radius 18 is also 3.5mm wide and also functions well for lifting and retraction.
The Gator blade is sharp enough, but you won't scratch or damage the foil.
safer and easier to use than razors, the Gator blade quickly becomes a favorite everywhere.
ideal for glass cleaning - removal of excess adhesive and scraping of patches.
The Gator blades come in two unique shapes, both with an easy-grip ribbed design that makes them easy to attach and reduces fatigue when used.